Rotary Staple Set

This type of brush is ideal for smaller light industrial applications where brush clogging causes problems and belt cleaning is imperative.

Typical overall diameter of this type of brush varies from 100mm through to around 250mm depending on stiffness of bristle required. Can be made up to 3000mm long.

Stapled Set (tufted) Brushes

Stapled set (tufted) brushes are made by stapling tufts of filaments into pre-drilled blocks of plywood, hardwood, nylon, polypropylene, polyethylene, rubber or leather.

The doubled over tuft is secured with a staple at the base of the pre drilled hole. The brush filaments are then trimmed or cut to the required height at a separate trimming station, this type of brush offers the customer a wider range of individual brush design options from single tuft to complex multiple row brush designs.

Stationary Strip Brushes

Stationary brushes can be used where a power source is not available or where the area for installation is very restricted.

Hard polypropylene back strip brushes are made by fusing high quality brush filaments into an extruded 3.2mm, 5.0mm or 8.0mm wide poly backing making the filaments become one with the backing. These brushes won’t corrode as they are constructed entirely without the use of any metal parts.